Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I know many of you are praying so I will try to keep you all updated. I appreciate all your help in contacting your different resources. Many of you have emailed me and I am sorry if I am not able to respond. I am lacking in time and computer power.

We are almost certain she has Trisomy 18, and in all reality it doesn't change much. I have gone back and forth between hope and grief, but ultimately she is in God's hands. We continue to pour our love into her. She is eating well, and opening her eyes, looking around and even making noises, and moving her arms and legs. This is a huge improvement from when she came to us at death's door. We are trying to involve the mother as much as possible but it is very hard to explain especially given the complicated circumstances that I can not share with you all the details right now. Hopefully at sometime I can express to you all that is involved, but without knowing the culture and the people group it would probably just confuse you. Let me just say it is not easy and there are no simple answers.

I am sorry I have not informed you of her name. It is Nakolong. She was born on January 24, and from what we understand had no milk from the time she was born. She was about 5 pounds at birth and we had her weighed on the 9th she was about 2 and half pounds. It is a miracle that she has survived which gives us hope that she has a fight to live, and could stand against all the odds. At this point I am being optimistic and hopeful, but every time I feed her I cherish holding her, giving her kisses and know that each breath could be her last.

Everyone wants to know how I am doing and many are concerned for me because I am due in about 7 weeks. As to be expected I am up and down, but overall am feeling well. There are times I am emotionally overwhelmed, but God is holding me up. I have an amazing husband and kids, and team who have been helpful through this process. Our house help has also been an amazing gift from God going above and beyond what she needs to, in order to help us so we can help the baby. She has given me encouraging words and is praying fervently beside us.

Here is Cody doing "Kangaroo Care" (and taking a nap) in our NICU aka our bed :) It is rather hard for me to accomplish with such a large belly. Cody says not to mind his extreme farmer's tan.

Please keep praying for God's will to be done, that God would be glorified, that He would give us strength, endurance, and wisdom during this time.


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