Wednesday, August 31, 2011


We are down south getting supplies, getting dental work done, renewing visas, and waiting for Cody's family to come in, so I thought I would share some pictures while I can. Enjoy.

Joshua cutting onions. He tried to use goggles to prevent his eyes from watering. Didn't work so here was the second attempt........

It also failed. The next time he tried both together.

Samuel holding a sunflower from our garden. One of the only things we were able to harvest, due to the soil condition in our yard, and not enough shade :( There is always next year!

And you thought roads in America were bad. Now you see why we need a good vehicle. And to think this is not that bad! We did make it around those 2 trucks that were stuck.

Malachi and Eliana

Janaya and Rikot Williams

Carter and Slash. We finally were able to find him a tortoise for his birthday and he was so excited. The sad news is that he is now MIA after Carter played with him outside and accidentally left him there. Those tortoises are faster than they look, just ask the rabbit.

Joshua and Janaya teaching Lokong and Lopiye (Lucia's sons) how to write.

Eliana is almost 5 months if you can believe it!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Joshua, I have a picture of William almost exactly like the one of you in your swim goggles- he is cutting onions with his ski goggles on! That really made me crack up... that's so exciting you are picking up your grandparents!!! Tell them "hello" from us and tell your Mom I will email soon. We miss you all, especially when we see your pictures!
