Sunday, November 27, 2011

What's the Next Step

God is so faithful. Electricity has been a problem in Kampala and so last night I had to charge my computer in the lobby area of where we were staying. Someone sparked conversation up with me, and we were talking about Malachi's health issues. Well it just so happens that an American Pediatrician was sitting next to me. I asked her if she would mind looking over Malachi's blood work and such, and she was more than happy to help. She looked over everything we had and what different doctors have been emailing us and helped give us direction on what to do to rule things out here in Kampala, she even wrote some things down for us to tell the doctors to look for. Not only that but we are still in communication with Dr. Bill Bevins who has been amazing in helping us sort through this whole thing. He has gone to great lengths to help us through phone calls and emails. We are very grateful for the steps God is leading us to. With that we are taking Malachi to a special doctor tomorrow to rule out a certain disease. We are hoping and praying this will give us more answers so that we can then make a decision on where to travel and what to do next. We are grateful for all of your prayers, and words of encouragement. That's all I have for you now, and with limited power I'd better go. After we find out the result tomorrow I will try to update my blog so that you know how to pray and what the next step for us will be. Pray that this test will indeed give us some answers.


  1. O.K., we keep praying and asking God to give you REAL wisdom... I am also praying you have people in your life that can help you make wise decisions as far as staying or going back to the States for awhile. This is huge, I know. I am ALSO smiling as I thank God for Dr. Bevins (and Jan)... they are so special. As a matter of fact, they would be good ones to talk to! Love, Dina and all

  2. WE are praying for both of you!! For wisdom for the doctors and your family as you walk this journey! KNOWING that God has it! He created you both, knows where you are, and WILL LEAD YOU IN HIS PATH!!!!


  3. Im with Deb. you all have been on my mind and being lifted up to God in prayer. Looks like God is moving...its not like this can wait! praise Him,Sum
