Wednesday, January 6, 2010

"Faith is the confidence that even in frightening times or places, God is still in control."

I am on to a new book which is called "A Chance to Die" by Elisabeth Elliot. It is a biography about the life of Amy Carmichael. I was super excited when my best friend gave this book to me to borrow. I am a big fan of Amy Carmichael. Let me say that the title is about a chance to die to oneself referring to the scripture in Matthew 16:24.

I was introduced to her this year while the kids and I were studying different missionaries that have impacted many people, and given it all for Christ. Studying about these missionaries has played a big part in my kids wanting to share the Gospel with others, no matter what the cost. God has spoken to me so much through the lives of these missionaries. Hudson Taylor, Gladys Alward, Menno Simmons, Samuel Morris (from Liberia!!), Dwight L. Moody, George Mueller, David Livingstone and more. Their stories are inspiring to say the least.
So what has God been teaching me through these men and women of God? He has taught me a new depth to faith, thankfulness, and sacrifice. While reading the pages of Amy's Biography I can relate to her in a lot of ways and know that soon I will also in some ways relate to her struggles as a missionary. I know God is instilling in me a deeper faith and knowledge of Him. I am very thankful for this but know I have a long a way to go in my faith in God. It seems to shallow at times.
Before I close I want to share with you one more thing that God is doing in our kids lives:
As we talk to the kids about moving over there to share the gospel we know that it might not seem super easy for them to grasp. That is, the idea of moving to Africa when they are in the beloved "America" the land of opportunity. But tonight during our family devotions when sharing what we are thankful for Joshua replies that he is thankful that we get the opportunity to go to Uganda to preach the truth. All my heart could say was "THANK YOU JESUS." I will also share that Janaya's prayer request each night is that we can leave sooner than June so that we can help the people there. This is only from God and for that I rejoice and am thankful that HE is already preparing their hearts for His work as well as ours. It is most rewarding to see that.

Thanks again for all your prayers!!



  1. I am so happy to have found your blog!!

    A fun fact is my grandmother's maiden name was Amy Carimichael! Now I want to read that book! Thanks for the update~

  2. I am so glad God is speaking to You and your family at this time. God may continue to follow you and pursue you all!!!!
